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"Scenario Analyses for 2050 Carbon Neutrality in Japan" provided to the Advisory Committee for Natural Resource and Energy (including additional information)

Jun. 11, 2021

"Scenario Analyses for 2050 Carbon Neutrality in Japan" provided to the Advisory Committee for Natural Resource and Energy (including additional information)

Discussions are underway at the Advisory Committee for Natural Resource and Energy of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)(an advisory body of METI) toward the revision of the "Basic Energy Plan" that incorporates medium- to long-term energy policies.
RITE announced the analysis "Scenario Analyses for 2050 Carbon Neutrality in Japan (Interim Report)" entrusted by METI at the Strategic Policy Committee on May 13.

The Strategic Policy Committee of the Advisory Committee for Natural Resource and Energy (the 43rd meeting) | Agency for Natural Resources and Energy(In Japanese)

The following materials are the English translation of the above original Japanese version; however, more data has been added upon request.

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